Attitude makes Interest 'in a particular subject or situation'
Interest makes Involvement
Involvement makes Communication
Communication gives Interaction
Interaction makes Concentration
Concentration gives Understanding
Understanding makes Knowledge
Knowledge clarifies Doubts and gives Confidence
Confidence makes Experiments
The experiments give Experience
Experience makes Expert
The expert gives Success
Success needs to check Failures
Failures make Corrections
Corrections gives Perfection
Perfection makes Growth
Growth gives Success
Success makes Position
The position gives Responsibility
Responsibility makes Ruling
Ruling creates Problems
Problems are Recycle
Recycle is a Life
Life is an Ocean
Ocean has different Waves
Waves are Natural (waves/problems are occurring anyway, any time, any place and there is no stop)
Natural Life is Your Personality
Every Person has a unique Personality according to their Attitude.
Attitude will develop on observation of surrounding incidents and family situations with a self-thinking mentality and following some procedures or systems.